

Overlay Manager Internal Variables

Address Variable Description
0002 OvrCodeList Overlay code segment list: 0 = no overlays
0004 OvrHeapSize Minimum overlay heap size in paragraphs (16 bytes)
0006 OvrDebugPtr Overlay debugger hook used by Turbo Pascal Debugger
000A OvrHeapOrg Overlay buffer origin (segment address of the start of the overlay buffer)
000C OvrHeapPtr Overlay buffer pointer (Used internally)
000E OvrHeapEnd Stores the segment address of the end of the overlay buffer
0010 OvrLoadList Loaded overlays list
0012 OvrDosHandle Overlay file handle. Stores the file handle of the program’s overlay file
0014 OvrEmsHandle Overlay EMS handle. Handle of overlays in expanded memory block

Heap Internal Variables

Address Variable Description
0016 HeapOrg Points to the bottom of the heap
001A HeapPtr Points to the top of the heap
001E HeapEnd Points to the end of DOS memory used by programs
0022 FreeList Points to the first free block in the heap
0026 FreeZero ???
002A HeapError Pointer to Heap Error Handler

Exit/Error Internal Variables

Address Variable Description
002E ExitProc Pointer to application’s exit procedure list
0032 ExitCode Contains the application’s exit code
0034 ErrorAddr Contains the address of the statement causing a run-time error

Program Segment Prefix

Address Variable
0038 PrefixSeg

Stores PSP segment address setup by DOS upon loading the program.

Constants and Variables

Address Variable
003A StackLimit

This is the lowest value the SP register can contain before it is considered a stack overflow.

I/O Function Result

Address Variable
003C InOutRes

Stores the status of the last 1/a operation performed.

Random Number Generator

Address Variable Description
003E RandSeed Stores the built-in random number generator’s seed (LongInt)

Miscellaneous Constants and Variables

Address Variable Description
0042 SelectorInc Number to add/subtract to increase/decrease selector by 64K
0044 Seg0040 Selector for segment 0040 (ROM BIOS Workspace)
0046 SegA000 Selector for segment A000 (EGA and VGA Graphics Pages)
0048 SegB000 Selector for segment B000 (Monochrome Adapter video memory)
004A SegB800 Selector for segment B800 (CGA Adapter video memory)

8086 CPU Type

Address Variable
004C Test8086

Type of 80x86 processor the system contains:

8087 fCPU Type

Address Variable
004D Test8087

Stores the results of the 80x87 autodetection logic and coprocessor classification:

Constantas and Variables

Address Variable
004E FileMode

Access code to pass to DOS when typed and untyped files are opened using the Reset procedure.

Input/Output Text File Records

Address Variable
0050 Input
0150 Output

Standard Input and Output files setup by Turbo Pascal. Each Text file record is around 256 bytes in size.

See: Text File Type

Interrupt Vectors

Address Variable
0250 SaveInt00
0254 SaveInt02
0258 SaveInt1B
025C SaveInt21
0260 SaveInt23
0264 SaveInt24
0268 SaveInt34
026C SaveInt35
0270 SaveInt36
0274 SaveInt37
0278 SaveInt38
027C SaveInt39
0280 SaveInt3A
0284 SaveInt3B
0288 SaveInt3C
028C SaveInt3D
0290 SaveInt3E
0294 SaveInt3F
0298 SaveInt75

Stores original interrupt vectors for INT 00h/02h/1Bh/21h/23h-24h/34h-3Fh/75h. Each can contain a FAR address (4 bytes).
