
Text File Type

This is a type of file or record used internally by Turbo Pascal. It is around 256 bytes in size.

Structure of Text Type

Address Size (bytes) Name Type Description
0000 2 Handle WORD Handle contains the file’s handle (when the file is open) as returned by DOS
0002 2 Mode WORD The Mode field can assume one of the magic values (see Modes)
0004 2 BufSize WORD Size of the TextBuf character buffer
0006 2 Private WORD Unused but reserved
0008 2 BufPos WORD Index of the next character in the buffer to read or write
000A 2 BufEnd WORD Count of characters in the buffer
000C 4 BufPtr FAR PTR Pointer to TextBuf buffer of BufSize bytes
0010 4 OpenFunc FAR PTR Pointer to I/O routine that opens this file
0014 4 InOutFunc FAR PTR Pointer to I/O routine that performs read/write on this file
0018 4 FlushFunc FAR PTR Pointer to I/O routine that flushes the buffer
001C 4 CloseFunc FAR PTR Pointer to I/O routine that closes this file
0020 16 UserData BYTE array Not used by Turbo Pascal. can be freely used to store any data
0030 80 Name BYTE array This file’s name which is a NULL (00h) terminated string
0080 128 TextBuf BYTE array Character buffer

Total size: 256 (100h) bytes

See also: File Modes, Input/Output, or Go Back